Generate warm pipeline from your company network

Generate warm pipeline from your company network

Generate warm pipeline from your company network

Give network effects to your sales engine, contacting your past users and buyers and asking for warm introductions on autopilot

Give network effects to your sales engine, contacting your past users and buyers and asking for warm introductions on autopilot

Give network effects to your sales engine, contacting your past users and buyers and asking for warm introductions on autopilot

Your network-led growth platform

Your network-led growth platform

Scale your warm lead generation to get 5X engagement vs cold outbound


Other AI Sales Agents will only automate the problem, increasing buyer saturation

Other AI Sales Agents will only automate the problem, increasing buyer saturation

Try our warm revenue functionalities. New every week

Opens new logo opportunities finding past buyers and users
Monitors all contacts and their movements

Opens new logo opportunities finding past buyers and users
Monitors all contacts and their movements

Finds advocates for any new opportunity opened
Updates CRM automatically

Finds advocates for any new opportunity opened
Updates CRM automatically

Automatically customizes outreach
Books meetings on autopilot

Automatically customizes outreach
Books meetings on autopilot


Increased pipeline

20% of the employees change jobs every year, and it can play in your favor

5-10X more engagement

VS traditional cold outbound campaigns. Buyers are saturated and need trust.

Increased win rates

For any deal, find your ex users for multi-threading and advocacy opportunities


We have all the answers

We have all the answers

What data do you need? How do you collect it?

In order to find and track the users, our AI agent needs, at a minimum, product data regarding user registration and deactivations and their companies. Additionally, we need CRM data in order to check if the new destination is already a client or not.

Do you integrate with the CRM?

Do you also track past users retroactively? Or only ongoing changes?

How do you approach the past users?

What's the expected ROI?

What data do you need? How do you collect it?

In order to find and track the users, our AI agent needs, at a minimum, product data regarding user registration and deactivations and their companies. Additionally, we need CRM data in order to check if the new destination is already a client or not.

Do you integrate with the CRM?

Do you also track past users retroactively? Or only ongoing changes?

How do you approach the past users?

What's the expected ROI?

Still have more questions?